What is a belief?

Beliefs have the possibility of being a valuable resource or a great limitation in life. We act based on our beliefs; based on them we develop and learn new resources and skills, or else we become immobile, stagnant. The difficulty that arises when wanting to change beliefs from logic or rational thought is that the most deeply rooted are unconscious. They are deep footprints with roots obtained in the first years of life and development. They are integrated through introjection, through verbal and non-verbal messages from parents and significant others, who transmit their values, strengths and weaknesses, attitudes, taboos and prohibitions, advice. This happens twenty-four hours a day without our noticing it and without our consciously deciding to do so. Based on the discoveries of Epigenetics we say: I inherit information from my ancestors and this information is transformed into unconscious beliefs that throughout my life will be expressed in different settings, in interpersonal relationships and, above all, in intrapersonal relationships. Life is the expression of different beliefs in front of an environment that can either restrict or stimulate them, whichever option is chosen, it promotes a physiological effect, altering well-being and quality of life. From the Bioneuroemoción®, a limiting belief is not something harmful and immovable but an opportunity to transcend what was experienced at a particular moment from the judgment and that made it impossible for us to carry out the corresponding learning and transcend it.

Where are beliefs expressed?

We all tend to think that what we believe "is true", without taking into account that reality is subjective and that each of us builds our own map of the world. Beliefs determine all our relationships from the choice of friends to those of couples. Even the rejections we go through in different areas. Our values ​​will decide our relationship with others. It is a totally unconscious process. We tend to associate with people who share our same belief system and we censor, judge, criticize those who do not share it. We create divisions, hierarchies, even associations that allow us to consolidate and reaffirm our belief system.
It should be emphasized that there is nothing wrong with feeling part of a group that shares our way of seeing the world and in many cases it is even necessary, the risk is in thinking that there is a correct way to function and that what does not coincide with that way that I consider correct, it is wrong. I will always find injustices wherever I am if my belief is "the world is an unfair place." Unconsciously dominated by that belief, I will fix my attention on any detail that has to do with that belief and will try to justify myself based on what happens. If someone thinks contrary to me, I will have plenty of evidence to object to their opinion since in my life, I have collected endless experiences in that regard and I have met many people who think like me. Every time we find ourselves saying phrases like "this is done like this or this is never done like this", "I have to do it", "I can't or I shouldn't do it" we must understand that the origin of those never or have to, I must or I must not, they are beliefs that condition our lives.

“The way you think is the product of other people's thinking”

Bob Proctor