
The founder of the Bioneuroemoción® method is psychologist Enric Corbera, the institute's headquarters are located in Rubi, Barcelona, Spain ( Enric Corbera Institute of Emotions,). Bioneuroemoción® is based on various discoveries, unifies different techniques in such a way that it becomes a highly eclectic method. We will look at each of these discoveries and demonstrate how they impact our lives, whether we realize it or not, and how we can intentionally apply the discovered principles to optimize our existence. We start from the idea that we are made up of subatomic particles, that these particles form solid or apparently solid objects and that there seem to be at least two laws for every aspect of reality.

Quantum physics

Faced with the visualization of phenomena incompatible with classical physics, Quantum Physics arises at the beginning of the 20th century, which manages to eliminate the dissociation between the subject and the object, showing that the observer influences in what is observed. Using this paradigm, Bioneuroemoción® proposes to change our thinking from Cartesian dualism in which we are only passive observers to a thought in which we must admit that as observers we intervene by altering the world we observe. Accepting this vision entails a profound change in our perception of the world.

“We do not have the right to assume that physical laws
exist or if they have existed until now, that they will
continue to exist in the future in the same way.”

Max Planck, Nobel prize of physics, 1918.

Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)

Neurolinguistic Programming was born in 1972 as a result of an investigation carried out by John Grinder, psychologist and linguist, and Richard Bandler, psychologist and philosopher who, based on the data obtained through all their investigations, developed the system that today is used as a generic learning system or as therapy. NLP can be considered as the study of subjective human experience, that is, the study of the way in which we organize our material things, ideas, etc., the way in which we perceive and how we filter the outside world through our senses.


Psychology is a science that deals with mental processes and their expression in behavior. Through its various approaches, psychology explores concepts such as perception, attention, motivation, emotions, brain function, intelligence, thought, personality, personal relationships, consciousness, and the subconscious.
We use knowledge related to analytical psychology and its studies of the collective subconscious, the shadow, and the mirror effect of Carl Gustav Jung. Knowledge related to the psychoanalytic theory of Sigmund Freud and his contributions to the concept of the subconscious.


Nature gradually adapts to the environment and epigenetics restores the cause of the change in gene expression to where it has always been, in the environment. Modifications that do not respond to DNA alterations and that are heritable. At the beginning of genetic studies it was thought that inheritance was determined by our genes, and that these could not change, that they remained unchanged, blocked with some kind of protective shield, it was even thought that it was the genes that determined our behavior, and that if we were unlucky enough to be born with the gene for depression, it would be for all our life.
Epigenetics shows that the environment influences and regulates, in a very high percentage, cell expression and genetic activity. The environment affects cells and they respond by adapting, it is the fundamental expression of the hypothesis that we are not the victims of a hereditary program, but that we can act to improve it or activate other alternative latent programs.


Neuroscience is a set of scientific disciplines that study the nervous system, in order to approach the understanding of the mechanisms that regulate the control of nervous reactions and brain behavior. The scope of neuroscience has broadened over time to include different approaches used to study the nervous system at different scales and the techniques used by neuroscientists have expanded enormously, from molecular and cellular studies of individual neurons to imaging of sensory, motor and cognitive tasks in the brain.